Now, I know I’m not alone in the struggle against procrastination. We’ve all seen the jokes about “Procrastinators Anonymous Meeting – Tomorrow” and the like. What is it that makes people procrastinate? In general, it’s not as if the thing you’re avoiding is going to magically go away. You will still have to do them! So, why not get it over with? In my experience, the results of putting things off only serve to stress people out and make the things you do in place of the things you should be doing less enjoyable.
My Uncle Ben once said “Never leave that ‘til tomorrow which you can do today.” Wish he were around to smack me around once in a while! And, yes, I’m not kidding – Benjamin Franklin really is, truly my uncle from about six generations back – got the family tree to prove it! 😀
This blog entry is a perfect example of procrastination in action (say that five times fast!) – I have two specific tasks which prevent me from calling it a night, but rather than finishing those tasks and enjoying a good night’s sleep, I sit here clicking away at the keyboard talking about not doing what one is supposed to be doing. Oh, the irony…
Alas, I will put an end to the beast called procrastination, do what I gotta do and go to sleep!