Mondays are generally pretty stressful, especially if I have stuff going on with Rennie. But, I managed to handle it OK and got the postcard files sent off to Hemlock, though it took AGES to send to them via some web-based FTP thing. Screw that. Next time, I’m sending via normal FTP that doesn’t take literally hours to finish.
I also revised the half page ad to incorporate the new living room shot and reformatted the other full page ads and forwarded for review. Hopefully, I’ll get those approved and sent off so I don’t have to worry about it later in the week.
Didn’t get to my invoicing, but want to get all these ads approved and submitted so I can include them in the invoice, so I’ll do it later in the week.
I managed to get the patio cleaned up and the pumpkins and other assorted junk hauled downstairs to the dumpster. My god, it was soooo gross dealing with pumpkins that had started to mold. I basically just opened the bags up and then put them over top of the pumpkins and rolled them into the bag, but a couple were pretty squishy – EWWWHHH!! But, not bad considering they were out there since mid-October – four months ain’t a bad life span for a pumpkin once it’s been harvested and its stem cut. I noticed that some of the tulip bulbs I planted last year have started to sprout in one of my flower boxes, so perhaps warm weather is not far away!
Went for a walk at 4:30pm to get some air – and exercise. The weather has been clear for the past few days which is a welcome change from the rain and cold weather we’ve had for a while. I’m ready for spring already!
Watched a few eps of Rock of Love (going to watch another one or two after this post is done) and fell asleep on the recliner. Before I dozed off, my mom phoned while I was talking to Laina for a few minutes – she phoned to tell me that her Canadian Citizenship Ceremony papers had finally arrived – March 14, 2008 at 8:15am is when she has to go. I didn’t phone mom back because I was sleepy and then, after I was snoozing for half an hour, she called back and woke me up. Stupidly, I answered and then was pissed at her when she asked if I was sleeping, I said yes and then she said “Well why didn’t you call me back earlier, then I’d have known you were sleeping…” and I’m just thinking “Well, why the fuck do you have to phone multiple times in a half-hour span at 9:00pm to begin with!” She hung up on me and I went back to sleep. I woke up at1:45am and am hoping to get back to sleep shortly.
Tasks Accomplished: Cleaned icky patio, sent off Southmere files, got ads reformatted
I’m Grateful For: Having work (even if it drives me nuts sometimes), having a clean house, a nice walk in the park
I Got Angry: At my mom for calling twice in half an hour and waking me up when I was really tired, at Tracey for getting defensive when I asked a simple question