I’m trying to find ways to promote my CFX blog entries since I am taking the time to update it more often. I’ve often seen sites that have all these buttons to subscribe to a blog’s feed, so I finally sat down and figured out how to do it. I signed up for FeedBurner and had hell trying to get my Blogger control panel to actually update the Atom.xml feed with the newest posts. I finally figured out that the problem was the path to my blog folder on the server – had both mainwebsite_html and public_html so some stuff was getting sent to the wrong place – eep! So, I consolidated the paths for all options to the right place and – voila. The shit works. Miraculous!
Then, I went in and added what are called Chicklets to my blog template which adds those little buttons you click to add a blog’s feed to Yahoo!, Bloglines, Newsgator, etc. Pretty friggin’ cool!
So, now when people subscribe to my feed, I should be able to see it from within my FeedBurner control panel. Also, they let you incorporate your Amazon Associate ID so if you include links to Amazon products, it’ll automatically update them to include your Associate ID so you get credit for the sale. I just checked my Amazon Associate account and I already have another $6 of earned credit since the beginning of the year. I already have a $23 gift certificate to use on the site as a result of stuff people have bought through my links. Not bad for a few minutes effort to post affiliate links in some emails! lol
As much as I hate configuring and troubleshooting code-related things, I generally become so determined to figure things out so I get the end result that I want, that I will sit here for hours – sometimes on the verge of tears or pure rage – until I emerge victorious with fists raised in the air saying “Take that, BEEYOTCH!”
Now, I gotta get my ass to bed because it’s 3am and I have to get up early tomorrow because I have mucho work AND a proposal to write. Let the games begin!