I’m not really sure if I’m “citified” or not, but I do know that I am not a hick. The thought of country music, cowboy hats and square dancing makes me nautious. Of course, Denham Springs is not what you’d exactly call “metropolitan”, but I’ve seen worse, believe it or not. I suppose I’m citified because I love big cities and a lot of people and noise. I guess that’s kind of weird, but it’s hard to feel alone when there’s tons of people and noise around. Of course, there’s always the saying “alone in a crowd”, but that’s not my scene. I’m alone by myself. Do you actually read all this? I was just curious. It’s hard to believe you’d actually want to. But, hey “each to their own”. G’Day!
(Note from the teacher in the margin:”I sure do! I even enjoy it – strange, huh? G’day to you”